“Multi-Dimensional” Advertising for Building a Massive Following on Facebook

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Written byFerny Ceballos | Filed under Attraction Marketing One of the pillars of success for today’s network marketers and direct sellers is to start building their own following using social media. So if you’re posting updates to Facebook and hoping—fingers-crossed—that somebody actually sees them (and wants to sign up or join your deal), then this post…

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What does the Facebook Affinity Score Mean in Audience Insights?

Facebook Affinity

At first look, the Facebook Affinity value that is shown in Audience Insights appears to be a simple metric to picking the top targets for your Facebook advertising dollars.  But closer inspection of this metric reveals that you need to think a little before slapping down your dollars. Simplifying it, Affinity is just a statement…

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Mario Brown’s Video Ads Mastery | Review


Learn How To Build Facebook Video Ads for Lower Cost and Greater Reach Please provide your name and email to get more information Name Please enter your name. Email Address Please enter a valid email address. LEARN MORE Thanks for subscribing! Please check your email for further instructions. Something went wrong. Please check your entries…

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Social Media Posting – Missinglettr Review


[mbr_is_allowed_access] [ELSE_is_allowed_access] [mbr_redirect url=’https://entretools.com/beaver-builder-1-9-updates-released/’ autorun=’1′] [/mbr_is_allowed_access] Are you overwhelmed with posting to Social Media every time you write a blog? Missinglettr creates strategic, automatic social media campaigns that drive traffic for an entire year. Leaving you to focus on writing your next blog post. Missinglettr claims to  turn each of your blog posts into a…

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How to control the image used for a facebook share

controlling the socialmedia share image

You’ve got the perfect WordPress post (or at least think you do) and people are starting to share it on Facebook.  But when they share it, what appears on Facebook really doesn’t look all that great and you would love to improve it. But how do you control what image shows up in a Facebook share?…

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